Saturday, January 31, 2009


I drop bars but dont make the mistake
I aint the poor nicca in the showers bout to get raped
I murk yall in your own court
This aint even rappin but I'm beastin in YOUR sport

Surprise! Bet you aint seen it comin
Like a delayed orgasm, I confuse and then sumthin
I got what you wantin and then sumthin
Way after the show ya'll still humpin

Gat dog, I be killin you poodles
Couldnt afford Chinese so I'm cookin me some Ramen Noodles
I throw rocks cause I keep em in stock
Come prepared cause I leave you shocked, and ya folks watch

Papa-Razzi, Mama Yahtzee
Anyway I spell it you niccas cant stop me
I get star struck and don't give a f***
So you wish upon me and think I give luck

Sleep Sleep

They don't know where the hell you are, your head ain't clearin out
You're dead as a cell-u-lar, like 'can you hear me now?'
That's how I feel on a Monday better yet on a Sunday
Better yet, always, I'm just praying that one day

I can feel like I'm awake cause I am a big sleeper
I wanna met your big cousin whose father's the Grimm Reaper
I don't really care, it seems pointless in the end
Unless we reincarnate and start this ish again

Friday, January 30, 2009

Supa Villain

Supa Villain, not to be confused with the unreleased song that I've been workin on for like 87 years now LOL

Sometimes....I wanna just be BAD. Giving a damn about stuff that dont give a damn about me just aint workin for me right now. I wanna be my alter ego, Terrence Maestrodomus McSnilwar, most powerful conductor of musical mayhem in all the universe (LOL). But fo real though, bein good is messed up sometimes. Yeah bein bad has its problems too (like goin to jail, getting killed etc) but at least the bad guy can say he did exactly what he wanted to do when he dies.

I just hate bein the only sensible person around me. Sometimes I feel all alone. Sometimes I feel like no one understands me. I hate everthing right now, everything is just too much, its annoying. Maybe I should go blow something up. Maybe that will make me feel better.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Whats your occupation?

Imma Soundscaper, soon to be high roller
Imma take over the radio, call me the air traffic controller
Killin em softly like shhhh! Im goin bounty huntin
And Im always on target like can I help you find somethin?

Yo! That was so sick but I am not a doctor
Nor a physician, nor mathematician, part time magician
Presto chango yo lango when you comin at me
Maybe I'll be your friend, give you a tip, when I see you workin at Zaxby's

Whats your occupation?

It's Kinda Nice....

Wow it's a beautiful sight seein all my friends, well most of them, doin their blog thang. I hope we can keep this up and continue commenting each others thoughts. It feels kinda good =]

After a looooong day at school, with a dead cell phone and a headache, Im about to drive to Beaufort to get my dad >=[ but I'll be iight. Im just lookin forward to Wild Wings later on, Im starving lol

Remind me to do a blog about DREAMS later, if I forget. Laterz

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh ISH!!!!

Playas aint so sure about me, I guess we can call them Doubtin Thomas
Im the future of muzik, you can call me MaestroDomus
Yeah I spit that fire like a dragon and Im not a rapper
Yeah I shit that fire, you can call me Supa Crapper

The Umpire of this Empire and I strike back
The supplier of them beats, you know you like that
And Im wired like a robot but I got my own brain
A machine factory but I aint on that clone game

Yall niccas so lame, dancin, snappin, autotune
But I got my own thang that none of you motherfathers do
So busy tryna be others, tryna fit in, all the same
But I got my own name, V-I-N, you know what Im sayin

You can get mad, I dont really care cause Im the winner
Yeah, you so bad, we can have beef, its whats for dinner
And Im always hungry, I hope you got some stuffing in you
Oh wait I think remember picking you off the Dollar Menu

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Confrontation. I hate confrontations. But they dont all have to end badly right? IDK, lately my mind....its been off. Im so confused. I need help. I hate confrontations but people always wanna pick a fight with me. Well you know what? I DONT GOT TIME FOR IT! So just back the hell off and lower your voice when you talk to me! I hate when people try to run all up and down me. I hate when people judge me. Forget yall! I got better things to do, like take my pills (Prozac). My mind is melting down and I DEFINTELY dont need it from you right now. And DONT try to apologize right now cause you outta line. GOODNITE!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Music Update

AYOOOOOO! I'm excited bout a few new projects that I'm working on. The next release on iTunes will showcase more of my musical talents in multiple genres. They include the rockin' sounds of For You, the piano-pop club bangin LIFE, and the auto-tuned diss track YodelBoxx. Three strong solid tracks that reveal my talents as a producer AND an MC. Ya'll might have known I could rap but I rather be credited with, well the CREDITS, the writing parts. I'm a writer, always have been, always will be. I love writing rhymes. Its fun. Love whatchu do, no matter what it is. Thats the only way to find happiness.

Speakin of that, my mood swings Ive been having lately....they come and go. Its so weird. Maybe its cause school is whoopin my behind. Maybe its cause I'm broke as a joke. OR maybe its cause Im hiding a secret thats eating away at me...Or maybe its all of the above. It doesnt feel good, I dont feel good. Failing grades, not having enough money for a McChicken, not living MY life because Im afraid of what they people may say....its a tough battle. AND Im prego remember?? LOL Just wanted to make you smile.

But yeah keep checking for my new music. Go to

Friday, January 23, 2009

Musical Vision

I got so many ideas when it comes to music. I love hybrid music, I love crossing genres, crossing boundaries and stuff. If done right, it sounds amazing. I wanna eventually do an album of covers. Here's some of the songs I wanna do (in no particular order):

1. Is This Love? and/or We Jammin' by Bob Marley
2. When Dove's Cry by Prince
3. Cherish the Day and/or No Ordinary Love by Sade

Thats all I got for now lmao

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I swear I'm hot and cold

Lately....idk whats been up with me. I keep having these mood swings. Depression, rage, random happiness, its all so confusing. I think.....I'm pregnant. It's kinda scary LMAO Naw but for real, something is definitely wrong with me...I just wish I knew what that something was...

Cherish the Day

Cherish the Day by Sade

You're ruling the way that I move
And I breathe your air
You only can rescue me
This is my prayer
If you were mine
If you were mine
I wouldn't want to go to heaven

I cherish the day
I won't go astray
I won't be afraid
You won't catch me running
You're ruling the way that I move
You take my air

You show me how deep love can be

Monday, January 19, 2009


I feel depression like an unwanted question
I answer peacefully, such a warm expression
I hide my feelings cause theyre not appealing
Beautiful liar or the ugly truth, see what I'm dealin

With, its complex like the matrix
My mind is spinning like tornado sex
I guess I'm feeling like you disrespect
Me, but see I deal with it and I regret.....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wow....I feel INSPIRED

I just got back from seeing Notorious and I must say, I enjoyed the film. I feel inspired more than ever cause as ya'll know, I do music. I feel anxious now, like I'm waiting for something...I don't wanna have beef with no one. I can see/feel one brewing already though. It's amazing how the 'industry' can change people. Or do we give the industry too much credit? HA I'm already talkin about beef and NEITHER of us made it yet. But yeah, I got ish to do and I'm coming harder than ever. Stay tuned =]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Written by Terry Rawlins

All this back and forth (Bullish)
Why you wanna leave me be? (Call it quits)
Then you wanna be with me (by 6)
Then you wanna leave me be (You're a trick)

Its confusing, losing all sense of reality
Finish me off (UGH) use a fatality
I'm mortal and we combat like drumsticks and hihats
I want L-O-V-E but money can't buy that

Daggit, mother...sucker luck gets you nowhere
I don't care, wish I never, Why did I go there?
whoa there, slow me down and please bring me no tears
Chauffeur me on to the greens and the cornbread

Hoes fare, I shoulda known trust ain't a given
It's more like a result of a tax put on living
Always fine print bullish always hidden
But now I ended our lease so buh-bye and good riddens

All this back and forth (Bullish)
Why you wanna leave me be? (Call it quits)
Then you wanna be with me (by 6)
Then you wanna leave me be (You're a trick)

I gave my heart so I guess I am a donor
You aint gave a (what??) so I guess I was a loner
Boners come boners go like the fishes
Fish in the sea, take it from me, delicious

Vicious, kill me off from malnutrition
Darker than a cat, no I'm not superstitious
But my wish is for you to stop breaking all the mirrors
And the ladders gotta go, am I speaking clearer?

Love is a game and you're the highest bidder
My heart is the prize and its in your kitty litter
Donor? Ha! More like a victim
Forgetcha? Trick say what? I am bitter

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random BlahBlahBlahs Pt. 2

My eyes are half closed as I type this. I need sleep but I just can't seem to force myself to start the 'sleep process.' I got school in the morning....don't remind me. I love art school don't get me wrong. It's just tooooooo damn expensive. It's one thing for the tuition to be outrageous, cause I'll be payin back these loans. But unlike regular college students I gotta buy overpriced books AND art supplies. It's hard not having a job but it would be even harder having a job. I need money cause this ain't working out.

I just want to go to sleep for a verrrry loooooong time...........and then wake up and everything will be perfect. But of course...

Bush f***ed this economy up. I don't care what nobody says. This war is so STUPID. WTF are we spending money on?? I feel blessed to be able to witness history. President Barak Obama. WOW.

I hate feeling ignored. That's how I feel right now. Ignorned and forgotten and it doesn't feel too good. I keep having these dreams....just dreams about someone special to me. And its getting kinda annoying. A constant reminder of stuff I dont want to talk about. I need a Dreamcatcher or somethin cause this ish ain't workin out. I mean why should I give a damn about someone who doesnt give a damn about me? Ya know?

I...........need sleep.....zzZ


"Dreamed of you this morning,
Then came the dawn and ,
I thought that you were here with me,
If you could only see how much I loved you,
You'd wanna trust me
Oh in my dreams I was loving you
Every place that you wanted me to
Since I've been having dreams and fantasies baby
I'd like to make love to you right here baby...."

-Excerpt from Soon I'll Be Loving You Again by Marvin Gaye. Also the sample used in Jay-Z's American Dreamin'

My dreams lately have been similar to this and it's killing me. I DON'T WANT TO THINK OF YOU! I think Imma write a song called Dreamcatcher and talk about being haunted in my dreams by my past loves....stay tuned....

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Day

Good Morning! I woke up feeling fresh and that's not normal for me. Usually when I wake up, I'm still tired LOL But not today. I don't know what it is...

Love Letters is comin along pretty good. I woulda been recording vocals all last week but I was sick and my voice was SHOT. So now that I'm better, I'll be prepping this new single and it's B-Side.

I had a dream last night about someone and it's kinda Imma have to call my shrink aka Dr. Shanae Jackson to see what she thinks.

Got school today and I'm ready for it. I'm taking an art histroy type course and at first I thought it was boring as hell but now that I'm into and paying even clsoer attention and reading it more, its actually pretty interesting. The key is staying on top of the work/reading.

I found one of my long lost friends. I need to chill with her sometime. Maybe she can do my hair and we'll watch Madea and then go get some Chinese food LMAO

Alrite, I gotta get dressed. BUH BYE

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bullet Proof Soul

"You keep on thinking
You were the only one
Too busy thinking
Love is a gun

I know the end before
The story's been told
It's not that complicated
But you're gonna need a bullet proof soul"

-Sade, Bullet Proof Soul

Me and my brother Gerald grew up listening to Sade but NEVER have I felt her lyrics this strongly. She's great. All of her music is great. I'm a fan of music, a music lover. I'm not the typical negro, that's why I'm goin emo LOL!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I had sucha fun time tonite at Wild Wings with my peoples. It was a good distraction from SCHOOL. Ive been sick all week so ya know =[ BUY MY SONG ON iTUNES and MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!!! Search for ViN Rawli.

I hopelessly stare at you. Hoping....waiting....thinking "just maybe"....Naw, it'll never work, hell it can't work out.

Why do people stop talking to one another? I lost two friends recently. One wasn't my fault and the other, well, that technically wasn't my fault either. But I didn't have to react the way I did. But I mean, you would get mad too if you constantly TRY to be someone's friend and they don't even care or give nothing back to the so-called-relationship. UGH I'm tired of feeling neglected and unappreciated. If you never felt this way before, let me tell you, it's not a good feeling. My feelings get hurt too you know.

I know I said I was leaving alotta stuff in 2008 but dag it's hard letting go sometimes.

Especially when I don't wanna give you up.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Written by Terry Rawlins

Ur so unbelievable and now im unavailable
Heard you wanna talk now, well letters are mailable
I use to have time to be waiting for a reply
Now im movin on, broken heart but you see, I

Wont be down for long, I wont be singing sad songs
Wont catch me crying, think I'm sad? Then ur mad wrong
Well, maybe just a tad bit
Oh now you wanna talk? Please you can have it

Yeah its real sad when you think about our past
I fell in love with a moment and expected it to last
Dying from that fairy tale syndrome
That happily ever after after ever happy symptom

Its called Bliss, haha, ignit as they come
Some would say im dumb but I say its cuz im young
Love, not a noun its a verb
But hey then again love is sucha strong word

Friday, January 2, 2009


I hate this feeling that I'm having right now. I feel sick. I feel hungry. I feel lonely. I feel tired. I feel, well BAD. And it's because of you. WHYYYYYY!? How can I be so stupid to fall for you over and over and over again? Cause you make my record skip. I need to get off of you. I'm going to rehab later today. Peace.


Ugh I got so much I want to write and so much I wanna say. I pray that I'll be able to pen it just right. I wanna capture that earth shattering feeling. That tear jerking effect.