Monday, January 12, 2009

New Day

Good Morning! I woke up feeling fresh and that's not normal for me. Usually when I wake up, I'm still tired LOL But not today. I don't know what it is...

Love Letters is comin along pretty good. I woulda been recording vocals all last week but I was sick and my voice was SHOT. So now that I'm better, I'll be prepping this new single and it's B-Side.

I had a dream last night about someone and it's kinda Imma have to call my shrink aka Dr. Shanae Jackson to see what she thinks.

Got school today and I'm ready for it. I'm taking an art histroy type course and at first I thought it was boring as hell but now that I'm into and paying even clsoer attention and reading it more, its actually pretty interesting. The key is staying on top of the work/reading.

I found one of my long lost friends. I need to chill with her sometime. Maybe she can do my hair and we'll watch Madea and then go get some Chinese food LMAO

Alrite, I gotta get dressed. BUH BYE


Anonymous said...

A good way to wake up fresh is to take a cold shower at night and then a hot one in the morning. I think that should work.