Sunday, January 4, 2009


Written by Terry Rawlins

Ur so unbelievable and now im unavailable
Heard you wanna talk now, well letters are mailable
I use to have time to be waiting for a reply
Now im movin on, broken heart but you see, I

Wont be down for long, I wont be singing sad songs
Wont catch me crying, think I'm sad? Then ur mad wrong
Well, maybe just a tad bit
Oh now you wanna talk? Please you can have it

Yeah its real sad when you think about our past
I fell in love with a moment and expected it to last
Dying from that fairy tale syndrome
That happily ever after after ever happy symptom

Its called Bliss, haha, ignit as they come
Some would say im dumb but I say its cuz im young
Love, not a noun its a verb
But hey then again love is sucha strong word


Anonymous said...

you right really good lyrics, i mean seriously, you should start ghostwriting

ViN Rawli said...

LOL thanks, but how im gon eat my co'nbread if im dead? hahaha