Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random BlahBlahBlahs Pt. 2

My eyes are half closed as I type this. I need sleep but I just can't seem to force myself to start the 'sleep process.' I got school in the morning....don't remind me. I love art school don't get me wrong. It's just tooooooo damn expensive. It's one thing for the tuition to be outrageous, cause I'll be payin back these loans. But unlike regular college students I gotta buy overpriced books AND art supplies. It's hard not having a job but it would be even harder having a job. I need money cause this ain't working out.

I just want to go to sleep for a verrrry loooooong time...........and then wake up and everything will be perfect. But of course...

Bush f***ed this economy up. I don't care what nobody says. This war is so STUPID. WTF are we spending money on?? I feel blessed to be able to witness history. President Barak Obama. WOW.

I hate feeling ignored. That's how I feel right now. Ignorned and forgotten and it doesn't feel too good. I keep having these dreams....just dreams about someone special to me. And its getting kinda annoying. A constant reminder of stuff I dont want to talk about. I need a Dreamcatcher or somethin cause this ish ain't workin out. I mean why should I give a damn about someone who doesnt give a damn about me? Ya know?

I...........need sleep.....zzZ


Anonymous said...

Right, if they don't give a damn then fuck em.