Thursday, April 30, 2009


Come check the new layout! I call it, the LOVE HATE design...pretty cool huh? ;) Its like ViN and Terrence coexisting.

Just got back from seeing Wolverine with a friend. That movie was GREAT. Maybe it's cause I'm an X-Men FANATIC. THE GRAPHICS, the FIGHT SCENES, the CAMEOs from characters in the comics....nice...

Im tired now....constantly thinkin bout someone ;) Gotta hit the gym in the morning and get my sexy on. NITE NITE zzZ

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Layout

Im currently working on new layout for my blog. So right now its looking plain but its all goood

Monday, April 27, 2009

What to write about.....

Im so tired. I been out alllll day tryna take some pictures for class tomorrow. I went to Savannah earlier than normal. I wanted to go to Forsyth Park and take some nice pics but it didnt work out. SOOO I drove from Savannah to Hilton Head to go to the beach. Cant go wrong with the beach right? WRONG! LOL no parking :( I was pretty I had to rush home and fet ready for class. I drove back to Savannah and picked up a friend at Arnold Hall. Then we went to the library to work on 'group projects' and stuff. Afterwards I went to McDonalds and was fat like bastard. Now Im at Sharif''s house and his mom just gave me chips LOL cool peoples......yeah....this random blog has been brought to you by Terrence McSnilwar.........

Renaissance Man of the 21st Century

I been thinkin a lot about what it is I wanna be, what I wanna become. But I wanna do SO MANY things. I wanna be a music producer. I wanna be a photographer. I wanna be an entrepreneur and own my own clothing line. I wanna share my music with the world. So many goals...sucha short life. But Im gonna do all of them. Im moving to NYC. Thats where its at for me. Entertainment capital of the world ya know ;) But thats after I graduate from SCAD. Gotta stick with it...itll pay off in the end!

Monday, April 20, 2009

If My Mind Was Hollywood, My Dreams Would Be Movies

If My Mind Was Hollywood, My Dreams Would Be Movies

What's gooooooooood? Ha, now that im thinkin bout it, I never really officially came back to the blog game did I? Oh well, Im back *breaks emergency glass and shoots confetti gun* LMAO

ANYWAYS on to my dreams, they was very....strange lol

Part One
I was the top spy/assassin for some underground organization. I almost want to say this dream was in Black & White but it wasnt. It was like....Black & Sepia LOL But yeah, me and my partner, this dude from SCAD, was on a mission. Ya know, driving supa dupa fast cars and wearing leather and stuff, if I wasnt into music ESPIONAGE would be my ish!

So we was on the free way chasing our target. IDK how many of you know what a spaghetti bowl is in terms of bridges and roads in a city, but we ended up in one of them. Some how we exited the freeway and ended up in this lot surrounded by four walls and four doors that lead to four elevators. Each elevator took us somewhere different but it the destination changed each time. Some how we figured out how to get to the top and BOOM! HEADSHOT! My partner almost got his head taken off but i tripped him, did a bullet time somersault, got out my piece and shot that nig right in his fo'head, blowing him out the top of the building (we later found him on top of a car, dead of course). That was recent, when I was 20. Now fast forward to the next half.......

Part Two
It is now like ten years later. I was back in 'town' but it wasnt Bluffton. It was like a cross between Bluffton and NYC but it wasnt quite Savannah lol So yeah, Im driving around in my Scooby Doo van with all my niccas and they tellin me Im getting married today. This came as a surprise, especially when they told me WHO lol it was one of our guy friends (I wont tell you who, its already kinda odd, in'it?)

So they told me I was getting married to him and I was like HUH? And I looked in my rearview mirror and saw him smiling at me and I remember this soo clearly, I kept thinking "Im gonna spend the rest of my life with *HIM*???" LMFAO it was so funny! Im gonna skip some of the details cause yeahhh....

Arrived at the cathedral, it had to be a million faceless bodies there. I was so nervous walkin down that aisle (it was like half a mile long).

Then I woke up...what can this mean? First Im killin niccas for money, utilizing my crazy driving skills....then Im marrying niccas in Notre Dame and all my peoples was there...hmmmmmmm

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Single: Gone

Whats gooooood? I gotta new single that I will be releasing VERY SOON! It's called Gone and I gotta say, it's hit material. Somethin you wouldnt even expect from ViN Rawli. It's rock, it's pop, it's hiphop, it's BLUES, it's everything to me and could mean nothing to you. But the words, the melody, as I sang the bridge, my eyes filled with tears because....idk, I felt God move, HE gave me the words to say....*chills*

I just gotta fix the bass line. I kinda want a live bass guitar playing with it. Now THAT would be hot....all I need is a bassist.....LOL

Friday, April 17, 2009

Boom you get so sex-cee?

I am so in lust right now its ridiculous! Hormones raging like Im a teenager again (hahaha im 20 snitches!) Lets see what happens with this one.....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blame it on the LACK of parking

Im so mad. I didnt go to my photo class today. Now before you jump on me (like black people often do) let me explain. I did everything in my power to get there early, I really did. Left the house at 1pm, got there at 1:28. Okay cool...cause I ALREADY KNOW how bad the parking is at Bergen Hall. So Im driving around in circles for literally 45 minutes trying to get parking but NOTHING BECOMES AVAILABLE. At this point I give up because we have a strict attendance policy at SCAD. 15 minutes late = an absence and the 5th absence = failure of the class. Im so pissed off right now because its not my freaking fault that they spend all our money on imported fish! BUILD BETTER PARKING!! And they cant even throw the whole, be there extra early bullcrap on me because I WAS THERE 30+ minutes ahead of time!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Do you wanna know, in my opinion, the dumbest phrase ever? NO HOMO, omg that is so annoying seriously! Some of ya'll might have used it before and I aint got no problems with you. But just think about how stupid/ignorant that sounds. WHY THE HELL would you say something, knowing damn well it sounds kinda gay in the first place? Say wtf you mean and mean wtf you say. Seriously. I dont even know what the big deal is. I mean if you're straight, youre straight, and if youre gay, youre gay. You saying a few words, forming a sentence, wont change that. So wtf? Let's STOP the ignornace and hatred towards others. Hell, you dont hear gay folks walkin around saying NO HETERO! LMAO ok admit it, that one was kinda funny lol Spread the love yall!

So I've been thinking about doing an EP

HEY! Ive been thinking about doing an EP (Extended Play) project as a prequel to my LP (Long Play) Love Letters. EPs tend to have only like 3 to 5 songs but I'm thinking about doing 6 and releasing it on iTunes. THAT WAY I can give you guys a bigger taste of what Im capable of ;)

The EP is gonna be called Imminent Love Storm. Its the prequel to Love Letters. Im not sure when it will be released so STAY TUNED!

I found the LORD

SO I went to church yesterday and I had a very good experience. I feel changed, I feel good, not perfect but I feel like everything is gonna be ok. I actually shed a lil tears and it felt great, being able to express my emotions among people who love me. Everything is gonna be alright, and thanks Shannon, you're, its gonna take time. But God is able, I want yall to never ever EVER forget that! He is always there, give your problems to Him and trust and believe that he will bring you through the storm. AND DONT EVER GIVE UP! Think of it this way. If you give up while youre in the storm, youll stay in that storm. But if you keep moving forward with your eyes on God, eventually you'll make it out of the storm. So thats what I gotta do. Live each day and wait for this nightmare to come to an end. Peace.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Love is Evil

I cannot believe how stupid you are...I almost want to cry but I dont want to give you that satisfaction...why love someone when they only hurt you in the end? Fuck that!

Damn if you only knew the pain I'm going through right now. I feel like God has left me. I feel alone. They tell me to be strong and to pray about it. Yeah, that's SOOOOO easy to say, but to do it? I'd rather hate you. I'd rather be mad. I'd rather make you feel exactly how you make me feel. I'd rather be Terrence McSnilwar and walk on the dark side. Love, FUCK LOVE! Love has done nothing but hurt me ALL MY FUCKING LIFE SO FUCK IT and GOOD BYE!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What's been up in the world of ViN Rawli

Howwwwwwdyy Ya'll! I hope all is well with you! I've been ok...goin through some things but God is able. Looks like my muzik is finally picking up, I'm working with TWO artists! Well, for the first artist, my role is the producer/songwriter/vocal arranger. And for the second one, I'm still talking to him, seeing what we shall do. But yeah I'm really excited about the first song, it's almost done and it's gonna have ALOTTA exposure, so I'm really happy about it. Plus the money will be well spent hahaha Wild Wings for everyone!!

Living your dreams....good stuff =] I never did right my "Dream" blog so I guess this is it. My Pastor last night (I love him to death) told me that I possess alotta skills and talents from God. Thinking about it, my uutility belt has grown recently. I'm a singer/rapper. I'm a producer and songwriter. I'm an artist that can draw in graphite, charcoal and learning to paint. I'm a graphic artist and now a photographer! HAHAHA One thing I've learned, and I'm not the first to say it, is you gotta find ways to make money by doing the things you are good at and the things you love. That's the American dream 'in'it? LOL Peace!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Comment problem fixed

Ok so now you can post comments on my other blog, The Newest Gym Rat lol