Monday, April 13, 2009


Do you wanna know, in my opinion, the dumbest phrase ever? NO HOMO, omg that is so annoying seriously! Some of ya'll might have used it before and I aint got no problems with you. But just think about how stupid/ignorant that sounds. WHY THE HELL would you say something, knowing damn well it sounds kinda gay in the first place? Say wtf you mean and mean wtf you say. Seriously. I dont even know what the big deal is. I mean if you're straight, youre straight, and if youre gay, youre gay. You saying a few words, forming a sentence, wont change that. So wtf? Let's STOP the ignornace and hatred towards others. Hell, you dont hear gay folks walkin around saying NO HETERO! LMAO ok admit it, that one was kinda funny lol Spread the love yall!


Zarski said...

lol i agree with that for the most part. The no homo thing was long played out after the first 5 times. Making gay jokes is funny, but if you have to finish it up with no homo then that counters all possible laughter that could have come from it lol

Shyne said...

In my opinion it can be annoying, but because of others it seems to be needed. Among friends you can say what you like and know that they understand. For example they know when your jokein, but when your sayin it around ppl that don't know you, OR in the way that I see it most used, when your writing someone on one of those online chatting shyts (aka FBook and CrackSpace) you need to say it because others will see what you say and judge you based off of it. I sometimes use it my self, but it just depends on who I'm sayin it to and where its being said.


Well you could always be like me and say "Yes hetero!"