Monday, April 13, 2009

I found the LORD

SO I went to church yesterday and I had a very good experience. I feel changed, I feel good, not perfect but I feel like everything is gonna be ok. I actually shed a lil tears and it felt great, being able to express my emotions among people who love me. Everything is gonna be alright, and thanks Shannon, you're, its gonna take time. But God is able, I want yall to never ever EVER forget that! He is always there, give your problems to Him and trust and believe that he will bring you through the storm. AND DONT EVER GIVE UP! Think of it this way. If you give up while youre in the storm, youll stay in that storm. But if you keep moving forward with your eyes on God, eventually you'll make it out of the storm. So thats what I gotta do. Live each day and wait for this nightmare to come to an end. Peace.



I hope you get out of the storm really soon.

ViN Rawli said...

=] thanks Miiiichael
I hope so too