Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What's been up in the world of ViN Rawli

Howwwwwwdyy Ya'll! I hope all is well with you! I've been ok...goin through some things but God is able. Looks like my muzik is finally picking up, I'm working with TWO artists! Well, for the first artist, my role is the producer/songwriter/vocal arranger. And for the second one, I'm still talking to him, seeing what we shall do. But yeah I'm really excited about the first song, it's almost done and it's gonna have ALOTTA exposure, so I'm really happy about it. Plus the money will be well spent hahaha Wild Wings for everyone!!

Living your dreams....good stuff =] I never did right my "Dream" blog so I guess this is it. My Pastor last night (I love him to death) told me that I possess alotta skills and talents from God. Thinking about it, my uutility belt has grown recently. I'm a singer/rapper. I'm a producer and songwriter. I'm an artist that can draw in graphite, charcoal and learning to paint. I'm a graphic artist and now a photographer! HAHAHA One thing I've learned, and I'm not the first to say it, is you gotta find ways to make money by doing the things you are good at and the things you love. That's the American dream 'in'it? LOL Peace!



Glad to see you're heading down the right path. If you really good at something, why not get paid to do it as well! But remember no matter what, even if things don't go your way always be passionate about your hobbies. Like if writing fails for me, I'll still do it for fun regardless, ya dig?

ViN Rawli said...

I know dats right baby! Yeahhhh lol