Monday, April 20, 2009

If My Mind Was Hollywood, My Dreams Would Be Movies

If My Mind Was Hollywood, My Dreams Would Be Movies

What's gooooooooood? Ha, now that im thinkin bout it, I never really officially came back to the blog game did I? Oh well, Im back *breaks emergency glass and shoots confetti gun* LMAO

ANYWAYS on to my dreams, they was very....strange lol

Part One
I was the top spy/assassin for some underground organization. I almost want to say this dream was in Black & White but it wasnt. It was like....Black & Sepia LOL But yeah, me and my partner, this dude from SCAD, was on a mission. Ya know, driving supa dupa fast cars and wearing leather and stuff, if I wasnt into music ESPIONAGE would be my ish!

So we was on the free way chasing our target. IDK how many of you know what a spaghetti bowl is in terms of bridges and roads in a city, but we ended up in one of them. Some how we exited the freeway and ended up in this lot surrounded by four walls and four doors that lead to four elevators. Each elevator took us somewhere different but it the destination changed each time. Some how we figured out how to get to the top and BOOM! HEADSHOT! My partner almost got his head taken off but i tripped him, did a bullet time somersault, got out my piece and shot that nig right in his fo'head, blowing him out the top of the building (we later found him on top of a car, dead of course). That was recent, when I was 20. Now fast forward to the next half.......

Part Two
It is now like ten years later. I was back in 'town' but it wasnt Bluffton. It was like a cross between Bluffton and NYC but it wasnt quite Savannah lol So yeah, Im driving around in my Scooby Doo van with all my niccas and they tellin me Im getting married today. This came as a surprise, especially when they told me WHO lol it was one of our guy friends (I wont tell you who, its already kinda odd, in'it?)

So they told me I was getting married to him and I was like HUH? And I looked in my rearview mirror and saw him smiling at me and I remember this soo clearly, I kept thinking "Im gonna spend the rest of my life with *HIM*???" LMFAO it was so funny! Im gonna skip some of the details cause yeahhh....

Arrived at the cathedral, it had to be a million faceless bodies there. I was so nervous walkin down that aisle (it was like half a mile long).

Then I woke up...what can this mean? First Im killin niccas for money, utilizing my crazy driving skills....then Im marrying niccas in Notre Dame and all my peoples was there...hmmmmmmm


Zay316 said...

im gonna take a wild guess, the guy that u we're gonna marry (in your dreams of course) is..... well his name rhymes with "berlin"? lol

ViN Rawli said...

LMAO! woww u LITERALLY make me laugh out loud my dude!