Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blame it on the LACK of parking

Im so mad. I didnt go to my photo class today. Now before you jump on me (like black people often do) let me explain. I did everything in my power to get there early, I really did. Left the house at 1pm, got there at 1:28. Okay cool...cause I ALREADY KNOW how bad the parking is at Bergen Hall. So Im driving around in circles for literally 45 minutes trying to get parking but NOTHING BECOMES AVAILABLE. At this point I give up because we have a strict attendance policy at SCAD. 15 minutes late = an absence and the 5th absence = failure of the class. Im so pissed off right now because its not my freaking fault that they spend all our money on imported fish! BUILD BETTER PARKING!! And they cant even throw the whole, be there extra early bullcrap on me because I WAS THERE 30+ minutes ahead of time!!