Saturday, October 11, 2008

Passing the Torch

Passing the torch on to the younger generation is very...idk, special in a sense. I am officially free from Target's grasp. Today was my last day. Now I can concentrate on what should be first, education. I wont lie, Im gonna miss the chaos at 1298. I LOVE that place so much. But my season there has come to an end and I must accept my destiny, the newest Sage [LLB].

Speaking of school, pray for me. IDK how I'm gonna make it this week coming up. UGHHH I hate feeling behind. One thing I learned quick is you shouldnt get behind on art work because you will die joke, Im suffering the consequences.

Im sleepy zzZ


camron4lfe said...

hey man, thnx for replying to my blog...u know of any halloween parties yet???


I'll clutch the torch tight! But you did the right thing and good luck with SCAD.