Saturday, January 24, 2009

Music Update

AYOOOOOO! I'm excited bout a few new projects that I'm working on. The next release on iTunes will showcase more of my musical talents in multiple genres. They include the rockin' sounds of For You, the piano-pop club bangin LIFE, and the auto-tuned diss track YodelBoxx. Three strong solid tracks that reveal my talents as a producer AND an MC. Ya'll might have known I could rap but I rather be credited with, well the CREDITS, the writing parts. I'm a writer, always have been, always will be. I love writing rhymes. Its fun. Love whatchu do, no matter what it is. Thats the only way to find happiness.

Speakin of that, my mood swings Ive been having lately....they come and go. Its so weird. Maybe its cause school is whoopin my behind. Maybe its cause I'm broke as a joke. OR maybe its cause Im hiding a secret thats eating away at me...Or maybe its all of the above. It doesnt feel good, I dont feel good. Failing grades, not having enough money for a McChicken, not living MY life because Im afraid of what they people may say....its a tough battle. AND Im prego remember?? LOL Just wanted to make you smile.

But yeah keep checking for my new music. Go to


Anonymous said...

LOL! Prego Males