Sunday, January 25, 2009


Confrontation. I hate confrontations. But they dont all have to end badly right? IDK, lately my mind....its been off. Im so confused. I need help. I hate confrontations but people always wanna pick a fight with me. Well you know what? I DONT GOT TIME FOR IT! So just back the hell off and lower your voice when you talk to me! I hate when people try to run all up and down me. I hate when people judge me. Forget yall! I got better things to do, like take my pills (Prozac). My mind is melting down and I DEFINTELY dont need it from you right now. And DONT try to apologize right now cause you outta line. GOODNITE!


Anonymous said...

i jacked ya line

Shyne said...

Do like Burnna says and put ya foot in they ass [kicking motion], LMBO!