Monday, November 17, 2008

It's been a while so let me update you

Hey ya'll, it's been a while since I sat down and wrote a real blog. Sorry bout that. I have been so busy pumping out art work for this school, its ridiculous lol ya gotta love it. But yeah, I'm takin a short break just to write some thoughts down. Here's a list in the GMoney format ;)

10. Why am I sucha procrastinator?
9. I feel like....I can't trust someone rite now and it's driving me crazy.
8. I whooped @$$ in Brawl last week Friday! Kirby boiiii!
7. Art and drawing in general is getting on my last nerve. I'm a perfectionist but even I know when to call it quits!
6. Wanda Sykes is a lesbian! That's my homie!
5. Can't wait to see my best friend in a week and some days.
4. Wow November is almost over. Hell, 2008 is ALMOST OVER.
3. Terry Rawlins or Terrence McSnilwar for 1298: The Return?
2. Love Letters is looking great. The production is other worldly.
1. I have a stalker. Actually I have three. But it might be the same chick. Or it could be that dude again. IDK


Anonymous said...

You not like me, like me dude, you not like me. -50 Cent
P.S. Dis da Letterman format not da GMoney.