Saturday, March 7, 2009

Get Ur Freak On

These are some shoes I painted at SCAD. It's to the song by Missy Elliott, Get Ur Freak On LMAO It was a fun assignment but I'm glad it's over. What do you think of them? You want a pair right? lol


Zay316 said...

i like the design, if they were of a coordinating color scheme, i'd buy'em

ViN Rawli said...

thanks maynnnne lol i wish i coulda did them to ONE color scheme but my teacher wanted like 40 different colors lol i wish i coulda did it all the way in the 'electric blue' scheme or maybe even pink, red n white


Interesting. Some dudes gonna be rockin the V. Rawli's!

ViN Rawli said...

lmao thanks Miiiiichaeelll

Anonymous said...

All ya need now is da tye dye shirt and a bag a weed and you got yo self a pair of timbalands called 'Black Hippies'