Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Muzik and New Passion

It's been a minute since I wrote my last blog! I think I'll try to write more often. SCAD is gonna be a piece of cake this quarter.....hopefully lol I already have lots of funny stories to tell but very little time to tell them (I gotta get dressed for church in a second). But I just wanted to talk about a few things like new muzik and my new passion.

I've been working on a side project with a pretty cool artist. I can't really tell you the details just yet because this thing is about to BLOW UP. I'm talking the leading single from an independent film soundtrack, radio play, maybe even a muzik video! How did I manage to accomplish this you ask? Prayer. Prayer and dedication. This could be IT, ya know? I'm ready for it, shoot I needs my money LOL

And my new passion in life is bodybuilding. In fact I created a new blog called The Newest Gym Rat. The blog is still in process, so if you visit it, you wont find much. I LOVE going to the gym now. There's something bout the sore feeling your muscles get after a long work out. It hurts so good lol But yeah, my life has changed over the last week. I've been exercising regularly and vigioursly. I've also been eating right. I havent tasted fast food and/or sweets in a week and I plan to keep that way. Ya know, we can prevent a lot of the diseases and conditions that plague the black community. When I die, I want it to be from something unavoidable, not my greedy self eating it up and geting fatter and fatter until I can't go exercise at all.

So yeah, watch out for my new muzik coming soon with my artist AND I encouarge ALL OF YOU to start exercising if you dont already. Take a walk everyday, ride a bike, do something.



Zay316 said...

yea it was almost 3 weeks!
but its all good now that u're back.
as a matter of fact, everybody has been slackin on there shyt lately, me too, lol.

and oh yea

too bad i can't leave a comment on ur other blog, i'll was gonna drop somethin funny...


You wanna know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking it's good you trying to stay fit, I also think it's good that you are still making MUSIC.

ViN Rawli said...

LOL xavier: ill fix the comment issue

mike: thanks mannnn, we should all get into shape...wild wings wont help but ill get a salad LMAO