Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Terry Rawlins Spotted on the Corner Spitting that Fire..........

Terry Rawlins, the artist also known as ViN Rawli, was spotted AGAIN today on the corner spitting that hot ish amongst a group of people. We managed to get in writing what the "Bliss" artist had to say:

Trigger Mike got me hip to the Blogger
I left Myspace, hopped across like Frogger
Jumped Ship like the Brothers called Lawrence
and changed platforms cause "I'm so importance"

The illiterate "literary master"
Wrecks up your set like a natural disaster
Yeah talk about changin platforms
Like Super Mario, side-scrolling through my Black Storm

And GMoney is a beast
The only nucca I know who can go West but end East
ViN Rawli bout to rise like yeast
Cause I'm about my bread so nucca lets eat

Zayyyvier, Reefa and Shyne?
Yall dont wanna battle cause my people on the grind
All the time. The zones are all mine.
Quarter to three? No, ten after nine.

Unfortunately we were not able to get an interview with the man. He keeps popping up like spam in the system and we can't get rid of him.

Editor's Note: All these sightings must mean one thing.....

More Terry Rawlins Sightings.....

HAHAHA wow another blog post from yours truly? Yeah...I'm in class thinkin bout life....and goin to the gym at 230ish.....and what I'm gonna eat lol But fo real though, gotta get right for the summer considering I'm tagging along on my lil bro's Senior Trip down the street to the beach lol ALL I KNOW IS I dont wanna be lookin like no beached whale or Britney Spears performing Gimme More at the VMAs that year.....(shout out to Brit Brit by the way, we see you guuu'l).

The return? It's comin soon, you'll see ;) Alotta changes are coming so be on the look out. Waiting for ViN Rawli's return is like waiting for Santa Claus AFTER they officially changed the date of Christmas and didnt inform nobody. In other words, you wont know when the hell I'm comin back lol Just stay tuned.

I will have a new song too! And some other 'new' things. Peace

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Return of the Jedi formally known as Terry Rawlins?

Well not exactly....LOL What's good friends, fans and haters? It's been tooooo long since I posted a blog. This isn't the offical 'REOPENING' or nothing. This is the press conference before all that ish. Picture me in my big ol' chinchilla coat via Designs by Cruella (DeVille) and my big ol' stunna shades by E40. "Life's been rough...and like Chris Brown, I too have found the Lord and am seeking the support of the church and blahblahblah yaddi yoda yodelay-hee-hoo." Something interesting happened to me today. Every now and then God blesses me with a gift, a power, a mutation. Like for a while I would have precognitive thoughts (look it up) like ESP and ish. TODAY I think he gave me the gift of exorcism.....LMFAO! ok ok STOP laughing nucca! It's more like the exorcism of machines and ish. Ex. Laptops (damn ghosts in the systems). But anyways, as some of you know, my old laptop went KA-PUT like a year ago. But for some reason today....idk, I felt like testing it out. And what do ya know? The things started running. Im over here gettin all excited and ish. Then it came to the login and I'm gettin really hyphy (Shout out to E40, thanks for the stunnas). And guess what? It wouldnt let me login! LOL Yeah as my brother GMoney once said 'Yeah...this aint one of them types of stories.' But before you say "FAIL!" like I know most of you are about to do, I decided that I AINT GON HAVE THAT. So I called on the name of JESUS, ha, and I stopped worryin about it, ha, I figured, LORD? ha LORRRRD? ha You allowed Jesus, ha to raise Lazurus from the dead, ha, Oh come on yall, yall dont wanna have chuuuch up in herrre, ha! He raiiiised Lazurus, ha, yall know the story!!! So surely, ha, SURRRELY, ha, he can gimme the strength, ha to bring this computer, ha, back to life ha, Can I get a witness??? If you love him lemme hear you say YEAHHH! ha If you love him lemme hear you say HALLELUJAHH!! ha Aint he alrite? Ahhhhhh!

*reporters staring at me with a blank face in the conference room as I catch the Holy Ghost and dance to the unheard music*

......yeahhhh....so we back from commercial break. Expect the 'return' really soon. I won't give you a date cause then people will hold me to it and I really don't feel like cursing you out SO yeah, stay tuned. I love ya! Peace.

-ViN Rawli/Terrence McSnilwar

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I can't do this anymore

I need space. I need to breathe. I'm not gonna be writing this blog anymore, well at least not for a while. Maybe another blog, maybe...I got my reasons. TOO MANY reasons. Who knows, maybe I'll be gone for a day. Maybe I'll be gone for 100 days. WHO KNOWS....Bye.


So yeah I been thinkin all day and I decided that Imma remodel my blog. Ya know, give it a new look. Right now I'm on design number two, which aint bad. But I think I should make somethin more like my personality [aka photoshop that ish!] LOL I think I got a good IDEA of what I WANT to do. Its just a matter of doing it.