Saturday, October 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

Tomatoes and cheese??? Sheeeeit!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


OKAY! Sorry J.Lo but you are S.O.L.!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Love Letters Track Listing (Modified)

Love Letters
All Songs Written, Produced, and Performed by Terry Rawlins

Tracklisting (Subject to change):

1. One Day
2. Is it You?
3. Magic (It's Jus' Us)
4. Wish Her Well
5. Technorock (Luv Junkie)
6. A-E-I-O-U
7. Mr. Weather Man (Interlude)
8. Call of the Wild
9. (Love You) Forever
10. Service Needed
11. No Good
12. Supa Villain
13. Enough
14. Bliss (Break Up, Make Up)
15. Faerie Tale Ending

Monday, October 20, 2008


Bliss is number 5 in Electronica/Dance and number 18 OVERALL in Electronica!!!! Thanks to you all I can easily advance to number one. Continue to spread the word!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I would like to personally thank one of my close friends, Michaellllll! He encouraged me to get on SoundClick and NOW LOOK AT ME =] Thanks man! Ill give you free tickets one day lmao =]

Thank you's

First of all I wanna thank God for giving me such talent.

And I would like to thank you all because with out the support of my fans, I would be nothing. Bliss quickly rised to the top of the charts. I know it's only at 29 but thats a major accomplishment! 29 outta 16,000+ songs?!?! Continue to spread the word, I got more music coming. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be in the top 10 =]

I just made a sick beat that I want my home girl Shanae to get on [it's been a while]. Technorock is still on the way, hopefully I can record the rest this week [but I ain't promising nothing].

Well I gotta do school work now, catch ya laterz =]


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Love Letters Track Listing

Love Letters
All Songs Written, Produced, and Performed by Terry Rawlins

Tracklisting (Subject to change):

1. One Day
2. Is it You?
3. Magic (It's Jus' Us)
4. Wish Her Well
5. Technorock (Luv Junkie)
6. A-E-I-O-U
7. Mr. Weather Man (Interlude)
8. Call of the Wild
9. (Love You) Forever
10. Service Needed
11. Beautiful (Feels Like)
12. Memory Lane (Interlude)
13. No Good
14. Supa Villain
15. Enough
16. Bliss (Break Up, Make Up)
17. Faerie Tale Ending

It's Coming

HOWDY YA'LL! LOL Love Letters is still on the way. In fact I made the album art today. This project was suppose to be released like two years ago but you know what? I DON'T CARE. People gripe at me, but they don't have a clue on how much work it is to put together QUALITY MATERIAL. Yeah, I could easily bring the album by the end of the week. Hell, my first album, a school project entitled My Life: The Musical, took only TWO DAYS to make. But it sounded HORRIBLE [yet extremely hot lol]. Slowly but surely, Love Letters will be here sooner than you know. =]
As I was telling Cam (he's a snowman you know), my goal with this cover was to capture different themes. Obviously, the hearts represent LOVE (the album title IS Love Letters, ya know). All of the stars, comets and lost galaxies represent being mysterious, distant, powerful, and OUT OF THIS WORLD. And the spray painted letters and little paint splatters through out the piece represents Hip Hop. I know I do hybrid work and I never classify under one genre but I gotta give it up for Hip Hop. It's in my roots, in my veins, thats what this album is. No matter how far away I get, Hip Hop is still in the undertones.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh it's what YOU do to me.......dedicated to someone special

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? I have and let me tell you it SUCKS! LOL not the relationship, just the situation and the circumstances. It was hard. It was beautiful. It was sad. It is over. But we're still good friends and I love that. Maybe our time isn't right now. Maybe we can be together one day....I gotta finish school in three years and I'm gone, moving away. Sometimes life is like a good movie, I just can't wait to see what happens next =]

Monday, October 13, 2008

Finally! Been Meaning to do This For the LONGEST!

Hey! Finally uploaded my first video to Youtube. Here's Enough off of Love Letters. Make sure you cop that disc when I release it (and tell a friend or two or three or ten or twenty-eight or......)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

You Suckers Got SERVED

Trinity. One of the baddest chicks in film history.

LMFAO at the guy at the end of the last clip! WHAT?!?! He got OWNED. Thats a bad broad!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Passing the Torch

Passing the torch on to the younger generation is very...idk, special in a sense. I am officially free from Target's grasp. Today was my last day. Now I can concentrate on what should be first, education. I wont lie, Im gonna miss the chaos at 1298. I LOVE that place so much. But my season there has come to an end and I must accept my destiny, the newest Sage [LLB].

Speaking of school, pray for me. IDK how I'm gonna make it this week coming up. UGHHH I hate feeling behind. One thing I learned quick is you shouldnt get behind on art work because you will die joke, Im suffering the consequences.

Im sleepy zzZ

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keep Your Head Above Water Pt 2.

Im behind in everything right now. Well maybe not EVERYTHING...ughhhh Im so stressed out. I can't wait til Christmas Break =] Imma be up outta this joint. I gotta get away.

This school work load is soooo demanding. I gotta producing outstanding art like every week. AND I got a midterm exam on Monday, which I'm going to fail by the way =[ IDK anything in that class. But it's ok, maybe God will send a miracle.

Been sick off and on. You tell me it's cuz my immune system sucks, but Im not sure...I ususally dont get sick that often. UGHHHHHHH I cant even look forward to weekends anymore.

EXCEPT THIS ONE! Saturday October 11th will be my last day at Target.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Keep Your Head Above Water

I feel like I'm drowning. I feel behind. I hate feeling behind. Too much work. When will it be over???? I need a break, BIG TIME. IDK when this album will be done. Can't think of nothing else but ART. Music, my first love, is gonna have to wait....for art. Did I make the right decision?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Like my dear brother said earlier today, "I need a break from LIFE." It's funny how I hoped and prayed to get into SCAD, but now that I'm here, I'm thinking "Wow, this is too much work." The standards are sooooo freaking high. I love it, don't get me wrong, I'm just overwhelmed at the moment. IDK what's gonna happen, all I know is I gotta make it. I gotta make it and be the best. SCAD is a big competition ya know. Yo cant just put together some bootleg piece. Naw, you gotta give it your all, 100+% every single time. Pray for me as I pray for you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sorry, been gone for a minute

Ughh, lots of stuff on my mind...I put my two weeks notice in at Target on Monday...On October 13th I will be free =] Don't get me wrong, I loved my time at Target but for the most part I felt enslaved, caged, ya know? God has blessed me with something so great that if I did stay I would never be able to express it to the fullest.

See what I mean? It took me a week to draw "Missy Elliott" (8"x8", Stippling, Ink). Imagine if I drew other people, maybe two a week. Do you know how much money I could make???