Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Love Letters Track Listing (Update)

Love Letters by Terry Rawlins
Courtesy of ViN Rawli Muzik, Inc.
Release Date: Summer 2009 (Unreleased)
Genre: Electro-Pop, Hip-Hop/R&B, Rock

1. One Day
2. Is it You?
3. Magic
4. Wish Her Well
5. Technorock (Luv Junkie)
6. Nostalgia
7. A-E-I-O-U (This Is How I Feel)
8. Haterland
9. (Love You) Forever
10. Frostbite
11. Supa Villain (Untouchable)
12. Enough
13. Bliss (Break Up, Make Up)
14. (This One's) For You
15. Faerie Tale Ending

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I'm gonna fail this test so bad. And I'm gonna fail the class too. Acceptance.

Target doesn't want me back. They were using me the whole time. Acceptance.

I can't trust my own friend? Something just ain't right about that situation and I will get to the bottom of it. Acceptance.

I won't get no sleep until tomorrow night. Acceptance.

You can't bootleg everything. Acceptance.

I'm broke. I'm penniless. Acceptance.

Love Letters must be a huge success. Or else. Acceptance.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Brand Isn't Good Enough

Ya know, for a second, for a minute, for a few days...I really thought I would enjoy going back to Target. But I was sadly informed a few hours ago that I wasn't welcome back. In fact, it would be in my best interest to stay away. My brand isn't good enough. I never smile. My overall work experience for Target was poor. [On a side note, most of you would blow up at this point]. THey felt that when I left, I left because I had enough. When my former boss was telling me all of this, I didn't get mad. I could only feel one feeling.


For the last two years I sacrificed for that store. If my brand isn't good enough; the brand that takes crap and sucks it up, the brand that gives great guest service, the brand that encourages other team members, if that brand ain't good enough then NO BRAND IS SAFE.

I was so hurt because he told me that it was a group decision to not allow me to come back. That means that they ALL agreed that my performance was not up to par. You gotta be kidding me rite? I was there when they didn't have no one else, remember? I covered them so many times and was I ever TRULY REWARDED? I was GSTL (Guest Service Team Leader) for a whole summer and did they promote me? NO! They brought some women in from out side the corporation and they didn't even think anything of it.

Oh yeah I was devastated but you know what? I won't hold a grudge. I just gotta move on. It just sucks that it had to be like this. Shoot, if they say this about ME, the "rockstar", I would hate to hear what they say about the TRUE legends there, like Mike, and Gerald and Vanessa, Ms Valeria, all of those who are worked hard and over looked.

*Deep Breath and a Sigh*

Being rejected isn't a fun feeling. I tub of ice cream and a movie is in order. Well, maybe Thursday nite when finals are over.

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's been a while so let me update you

Hey ya'll, it's been a while since I sat down and wrote a real blog. Sorry bout that. I have been so busy pumping out art work for this school, its ridiculous lol ya gotta love it. But yeah, I'm takin a short break just to write some thoughts down. Here's a list in the GMoney format ;)

10. Why am I sucha procrastinator?
9. I feel like....I can't trust someone rite now and it's driving me crazy.
8. I whooped @$$ in Brawl last week Friday! Kirby boiiii!
7. Art and drawing in general is getting on my last nerve. I'm a perfectionist but even I know when to call it quits!
6. Wanda Sykes is a lesbian! That's my homie!
5. Can't wait to see my best friend in a week and some days.
4. Wow November is almost over. Hell, 2008 is ALMOST OVER.
3. Terry Rawlins or Terrence McSnilwar for 1298: The Return?
2. Love Letters is looking great. The production is other worldly.
1. I have a stalker. Actually I have three. But it might be the same chick. Or it could be that dude again. IDK

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Good Times